Jacaeber Kastor is most popularly known as the gallerist who, in 1986, opened the legendary and influential West Village Psychedelic Solution gallery, which was the first to show many huge contributors to the pop surreal, psychedelic poster art movement on the East Coast. The list of artists, which, which includes Juxtapoz founder, Robert Williams is long and legendary.
In Kastor's case, success in the gallery world created an opportunity to reverse the order of the typical career path. Rather than starting as a starving artist, Kastor sold his gallery in 2004 and afforded himself the opportunity to meticulously work and develop his drawing skills.
Last Friday night at The Chambers Project in Nevada City, Kastor showcased, for the first time, a body of work 15 years in the making in a show titled The Psychedelic Sun. Gallery director Brian Chambers noted on the exhibition, “Jacaeber has been a dear friend of mine for many years and has served as a mentor to me. He is an art world legend whose knowledge and experience in the realm of psychedelic art cannot be overstated. Being able to curate and host his first-ever art show with his own artwork was an honor and a pleasure that I'll not soon forget. Shows and moments like these don't come around too often, but when they do, the well of inspiration gets filled and the feeling of life coming full circle is something I am very proud of and extremely grateful for.”
Text and photography by Mike Stalter