The Godfathers show at The Chambers Project is a must see if you're anywhere within a few hours drive-time of Northern California. With recent headlines about substantial public interest in the psychedelic world paired with the legalization of psilocybin, the show is both historical and of the present moment.
Original works by legends Roger Dean, Ralph Steadman, Rick Griffin, and Jacaeber Kastor cover the gallery walls, inviting you to spend some time engaging your senses and coming up with your own interpretations of the various pieces, from poster art and prints, to rare original paintings and sculptures.
Every time I go to an opening here, it feels like a pseudo family reunion. There is definitely a cast of core characters and heavy-hitters that you know you'll see every time, now along with an ever-growing extended family that are coming in from around the country just to be there in the moment, setting this place apart as maybe the leading psychedelic gallery on the planet.
"Godfathers is a deeply personal show and the intention of this exhibition is outside the norm for how I have typically gone about curating an exhibition," Brian Chambers told us. "This was truly meant to be an exercise in museum level curation and to celebrate the launch of our newly formed non-profit space PACT and I'm very proud of the response it has received. Telling a story and sharing the history behind these legends of the psychedelic counterculture has been rewarding in a very deep way and I'm beyond excited to unveil everything we have programmed ahead in the future for PACT and The Chambers Project."
Check out our recent interview from the Spring 2024 Quarterly issue with Brian here. More info on PACT here.