When Chad Knight's works started to appear on IG not too long ago, these sleek digital works that looked both unearthed from the past and a vision of the future, they stopped you in their tracks. It was about the potential of visuals and also the power of digital art presented on social media. We kept wondering what Knight's move to the gallery would look like, and of course, his NFT status. And now we have it. On November 18th, GR Gallery in NYC will present Two Week Notice, a solo show with Chad Knight featuring 12 digital artworks on canvas, encapsuled in epoxy resin, and 3 “Meural Canvas” flat screens displaying the same number of dynamic NFTs.
The gallery notes, "The exhibition aims to instruct the viewer on the limitless possibilities of the metaverse by generating an ambitious visual concept, set utterly free from the rules and speculations that define our physical nature, able to unleash unknown potentials and to generate new cultural icons." And that is a wonderful way to put it. Knight is part of a group of digital artists who expanded what a visual could be. Knight was the longtime 3-D director at Nike, and that background emphasizes just how much Knight was bound to possibilities in his work, that boundaries weren't an issue. That we are talking about a digital renaissance, it's mostly because of artists like Knight who is moving things forward, and reimagining what a gallery show is as well. —Evan Pricco