The simple definition of mythos reads "a set of beliefs or assumptions about something." An artist usually starts here, and tries to extend their own mythos or shatter all premonitions of what their mythos is. That is the best part of a great art show: a personal truth and sometimes the contradictions within that exploration. David Heo is set to open Mythos at Hashimoto Contemporary in NYC, showcasing his "idiosyncratic use of mixed mediums, recurring symbols, and personal themes. Borrowing familiar figures from 1990s popular culture, the artist displaces these icons from their context." Heo is performing a displacement of mythos.
As the gallery notes, "The artist illustrates clear visual representations of protagonism and antagonism as learned biases, which influence and shape our aesthetics of what is considered “good” and “evil.” This becomes reified through his image-making and the use of color. These two factors direct the narrative, based on indicators of the meanings that we have associated with these binaries, whether consciously or subconsciously. For example, Priiiiiime (pictured in the gallery), intricately layers a range of mixed mediums — the main figure is clad in red, white, and blue. Color, then, emerges as visual rhetoric to help articulate the aforementioned power dynamics. As the viewer shifts their gaze, a second figure emerges from the shadows — depicted only through shades of black."