Thinkspace Projects is thrilled to present Langston Allston’s solo show, Blue City. Allston is committed to creating work that tells stories from his community honestly and compassionately, and this exhibition does just that, offering viewers a not often seen view of New Orleans.

Allston was not born in the city, making his perspective that of an outsider. As such, he is intentional about the way he represents New Orleans, exploring the city through the eyes of someone who was fortunate enough to be welcomed by it. ‘Blue City’ is an ode to New Orleans, an ode to long shadows and shady stoops, an ode to towering thunderclouds and houses held together with tarps and roofing nails and prayers.


Allston’s view is rooted in love, even through the hardship the city edures. As he explains it, “New Orleans is a city under siege. From the water, and the storms, from capitalism and the ruthless march of gentrification, from poverty and the violence it demands.” He takes this strife and juxtaposes it with allure and elegance, continuing on to acknowledge “New Orleans is the most beautiful city in the world. A city that remembers its past. New Orleans is the future.” With striking colors Allston conveys real stories and experiences from his unique view. With close attention to the particular light of the city, he paints an account of fragility.