Kelly Beeman's work lives in a curious vaccum of time. The fashion she evokes in her works feels timeless, the backdrops of some unnamed American street, the characters in a state of repose or slight movement that feels aware that someone is watching them but not intimidated by the voyeurism. For the longest time, and the times I have written about her shows, or the cover story we did in Summer 2020, I find Beeman creating nostalgia that isn't nostalgic for any one thing. There is family, there is friendship, there is light, there is quiet, but there is also something rather ghostly and haunting, a disquiet. Summer, her new solo show at Perrotin in NYC, is bright and evocative and full of all of Beeman's ability to create timeless fashions in her paintings and watercolors, but there remains a fascinating undercurrent of seduction and an almost flawless ability to present one's self as cool and calm, collected even, in the summer heat. There is no sweat here, only a coolness of distance. —Evan Pricco
Kelly Beeman Looks at "Summer" in the Fall
Perrotin Gallery, NYC // September 06, 2023 - October 14, 2023