Opening this weekend, the Chromatic Arts Festival returns to Montreal for its 10th edition. Hosting a number of engaging activations, the festival explores not only ‘classical' practices in art but also strides in new media, performance, experiential and conceptual work. According to the festival, “Chromatic is first and foremost a creator of cultural experiences. Whether visual, sound-based or digital, we celebrate art in its multiple forms by letting users interpret them according to their own sensitivities. All year, the team deploys a series of events that feature local and international talents in order to let you discover or re-discover new artistic practices.”
Founded in 2009, the festival has evolved to include a bevy of exhibitions. educational initiatives, panel discussions, interactive installations as well as musical events and parties. This year we're excited to see some Juxtapoz friends like Winnie Truong, Rajni Perera as well as some new favorites like Botond Keresztesi and Joshua Advincula.
Chromatic prides itself on being experimental, as compared to its more traditional counterparts and the fair's ethos strives for inclusivity and community engagement across multiple platforms. With over 50 international artists participating, Montreal is in for a bit of treat this week. Open to the public from May 10 to May 17, 2019. Get your tickets here.
Photos courtesy of Chromatic Festival.