Spoke Art is thrilled to share an all new collection of original artwork celebrating the vast world of Japanese Animation. With over one hundred works of art from artists near and far, paying homage to the genre that has been influencing pop culture for generations.
Adept storytelling, elaborate sociological landscapes and iconic characters are a trademark of this genre; often dismissed due to it’s animated medium, anime as a form of entertainment has transcended borders and screens to become a mainstay throughout the world. Utilizing bright colors, fast paced dialogue and quick cuts, anime demands the attention of the viewer while rewarding their loyalty with complexities not often present in mainstream programming. With series often going on for years or even decades, many have also found second lives with new devotees in the Western world.
This exhibition includes paintings, sculptures, embroidery, illustrations and limited edition prints; offering one-of-a-kind works of art as well as affordable options for the casual and experienced collector alike.
Please join Spoke Art for Anime in LA - An Art Show Tribute to Japanese Animation, Thursday, June 22nd for the opening reception from 6pm - 10pm PT. The exhibition will be on view for four days, ending Sunday, June 25th. The online release for the artwork will be at 10am PT Thursday, June 29th at spoke-art.com.
3110 W. Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026
Participating Artists: Isabella Addison | Liz Amato | Daliah Ammar | Nicole Anguish | Zard Apuya | Ana Aranda | Audra Auclair | Brighton Ballard | Derek Ballard | Oliver Barrett | Germain Barthélémy | Betsy Bauer | Mark Bell | Anne Benjamin | Lucas Bernard | Joshua Budich | Adam Caldwell | Elsa Chang | Alina Chau | Maggie Chiang | Stanley Chow | Gemma Correll | Rose Couch | Mai Ly Degnan | Tim Doyle | Emily Dumas | Matt Dye | Pippa Dyrlaga | James R. Eads | Kayla Edgar | Tom Eglington | Evah Fan | Ken Garduno | Sam Gilbey | Bella Grace | Lauren Gregg | Dan Grissom | Nicole Grosjean | Rumi Hara | Gina Hendry | Justin Hillgrove | Kevan Hom | Carrie Anne Hudson | Alexander Iaccharino | Chiaki Ishimatsu | Andrew Kolb | Nellie Le | Adam Lister | Little Friends of Printmaking | Linda Liu | Kemi Mai | Jérémie Marié | Samantha Mash | Brian Mashburn | Sarah Maxwell | Kelly McKernan | Harry Michalakeas | Arna Miller | Minizakis | Ed Mironiuk | David Moscati | JP Neang | Jeany Ngo | Jeremy Nguyen | Chelsea O'Byrne | Dave Perillo | Bailey Race | Dakota Randall | Jane Reichle | Corinne Reid | Ellie Reis | Jay Riggio | Matt Ritchie | Miles Ritchie | Ellie Rusinova | Valerie Savarie | Cindy Scaife | Jessica So Ren Tang | Andy Stattmiller | Nick Stokes | Meghan Stratman | Brandan Styles | Matt Taylor | Anna Tillett | Hoang Tran | Josey Tsao | Christopher Uminga | Edwin Ushiro | Van Orton Design | Casey Weldon | Tom Whalen | Bruce Yan | and more!