This is an incredible journey. There are many places you can enter the universe of bandleader, musician, philosopher, poet, and visionary Sun Ra; he was an active musician with an incredible output for decades and decades. But as its available to view on YouTube, we thought taking in Robert Mugge's 1980 profile on Sun Ra, with live performances, rehersals and interviews, is a brilliant place to go. Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise captures the music and vision of the man, and although the Afrofuturist Space in the Place is where many go when they think of Sun Ra, which was made just as the artist finished teaching a course at UC Berkeley called "The Black Man in the Cosmos," this doc benefits from Mugge letting Sun Ra speak for himself and the music to exist in this variety. This isn't a biography; this is Sun Ra and his music in the exact moment it was made. Enjoy!
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