Kinstler, a new Brooklyn based puzzle company dedicated to highlighting the work of emerging and established contemporary artists, launches with a collection of three 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles featuring the artwork of Simone Johnson (Pure Vision Arts), Rusudan Khizanishvili (Galerie Kornfeld), and Andrea Joyce Heimer (Nino Mier Gallery, Half Gallery).

The three puzzles include:

—Simone Johnson’s Bodega Cat with Fruits and Vegetables

—Andrea Joyce Heimer’s In The Summer We Started Drinking During The Hot Of The Day And By Night Time We Were Monsters

—Rusudan Khizanishvili’s A New Star Rising The puzzles can be purchased at and retail for $34 each

Included in each puzzle is a four page newsprint insert that contains a conversation with the artists as well as images of other recent work that they’ve done. The insert for Andrea Joyce Heimer’s puzzle for example includes photos of four of her Quarantine Drawings (People Waiting) series that was shown at Nino Mier Gallery in LA in June 2020.

“I started Kinstler because I’ve always been on the hunt for a good fine art puzzle but found that my options were mainly limited to a few big-name artists who were, by and large, long dead.” said Kinstler founder Rami Metal, “Simone, Andrea, and Rusudan are all doing fantastic work right now- work that just so happens to make for great puzzles- and I’m thrilled to be partnering with them for Kinstler’s first series.”