We're getting excited for Guerrero Gallery's latest exhibit Hello Uncertainty, which features the sumptuous and painterly weavings of Bay Area fiber-virtuoso Terri Friedman. Responding to a national climate of anxiety and instability, Friedman's fiber works seek to actively upend our feelings of helplessness through the use of vibrant color, chunky abstraction, and bursts of text ripe with agency. Inspired by such disparate fields as Brain Science, Neuroplasticity and Epigenetics, Friedman sees a connection through the act of unification in the warp and weft as analogous to the neural pathways forged between the left and right brain, opening new avenues for positive change and action.

The exhibition coincides with Friedman's inclusion in the newly-released book Vitamin T: Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Artone of only three Bay Area artists to be included in this seminal series of tomes on contemporary movements.