This weekend, Oakland based artist Cannon Dill's solo exhibition “Sun Sick” comes to a close at Pt. 2 Gallery. A vibrant and resonant showcase of Dill's new paintings, the show is a deep dive into the imagery of summer and the lucid, contemplative state of mind resulting from the season. 


Naively rendered and expertly composed, Dill's series weave together simple imagery of nature, contrasted by his earlier solo at the gallery “Dim,” which presented experiences more associated with living in an urban environment. Traveling through the show, viewers are met with a mosaic assembly of uncomplicated depictions of birds, fish, snakes and tigers - a playful and tender note to the season. Illustrative and almost crudely painted, Dill's figures lay impossibly flat, showcasing the artist's intuitive, painterly style. Tonally, the show shifts between earthly, burnt colors to saccharine, almost sickly palettes, presenting the disparate emotions one feels in the heat. Impactful and effective, the exhibition challenges and delights all at once. comp1

Moving into new territory, “Sun Sick” presents a collection of paintings that take viewers away from the city and into a lush moment of reflection. Examining the title of the show, it can be interpreted two ways: the feeling of longing for the sun, or experiencing heat to the point of delirium. The exhibition aims to highlight feelings of heat, pressure, community and decision making, through imagery that ranges from naive figuration to bold graphic figures.

Generous from start to finish, “Sun Sick” leaves a lasting effect, akin to the sun's warmth on your skin. As we say goodbye to the last days of summer, it's comforting to remember the stand-outs of the season, just as the sunburn begins to fade.

You can follow Cannon Dill online here.