"I’ve really just been trying to stay quarantined as much as possible and luckily I’m able to do that," Sean Norvet reports for Art in Uncertain Times series from Los Angeles. "For most artists, being alone in a confined space is pretty normal so I’m used to it." 


Working from his home/studio, the painter is focused on keeping the projects/deadlines moving forward as usual. "The first time going down an empty aisle at the supermarket was wild," he recalls, like so many of us remembering the early days of lockdown. "An ordinary trip to the market is gone, so now it’s all about finding the right store at the right time of day. Getting in the habit of disinfecting your groceries/packages with Lysol wipes is becoming normal as well."

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But even with the most ordinary everyday activity now turning into a mission that requires preplanning, Norvet looks the bright side of this situation, "One positive thing to come out of this is the air quality out here in Los Angeles. It’s insane how clear it is! Also, I don’t think I’ve been on a freeway in over a month."

"Binging on shows/movies, making homemade churros with my girlfriend, and taking more time sketching ideas and compositions for new work," he sums up the days as he pursues a general idea to try to relax and stay busy. "I’m thankful that I’m still able to do what I normally do. My heart goes out to the people who have lost their jobs and have had family members affected by this pandemic."

Text compiled by Sasha Bogojev