The Prix Pictet aims to harness the power of photography to draw attention to issues of global sustainability. This year’s theme and the name of the exhibition on view at Fotografiska Stockholm is Human. Twelve distinguished photographers, selected by the esteemed jury, unveil their own unique approaches of the human story and how we interact with the world around us.

In September 2023, the winner of this year’s cycle was announced at a ceremony at the Victoria & Albert Museum, the first stop of the international tour. Indian photographer Gauri Gill won for her body of work, which underscores her belief in working with and through community in what she calls “active listening.” For over two decades, Gauri Gill has been closely engaged with marginalized communities in the desert of western Rajasthan in northern India and, for the past decade, with indigenous artists in Maharashtra.

Other participating photographers in the exhibit include Federico Ríos Escobar, who documented the heartbreaking reality of South American children whose parents embarked on the dangerous migrant journey through the Darién Gap, and Icelandic photographer Ragnar Axelsson, who for over 40 years has mapped the dramatic changes in the lives of indigenous people, in the landscapes, and in the environment at the edge of the habitable world.

The exhibition touches on a range of issues from conflicts, childhood, and the collapse of economic processes to the traces left behind by both people and industrial development, gang violence, borderlands, and migration.