EM Gallery are excited to start the new year with thirteen new works from Sally Kindberg, following on from her previous EM exhibition Dream Palace in 2022. Outwardly playful but deeply reflective of our modern world, the artist depicts moments of humour and tragedy in our everyday life: This time centering her focus on the Lounge, a room where we relax, a playful space where the outside world enters via the TV screen. 

The Lounge is a personal space where the artist has allowed us in, using her eye to translate the relationships between the everyday homely things and the inhabitants. Pets and people cohabit as if no one is watching, the practical objects switch into characterful participants in this surreal Lounge world. Multiple twists of repeated themes echo funny and odd contradictions in life, interconnected forces come together as a collage of different dimensions into one room. Bubbles, flames and screens offer a two sided view of the world; is the show set during an apocalypse or a cosy night in with our loungewear and slippers on? You decide.

Kindberg creates a rhythm with the works, building a scene with humour and tension that we recognise, playfully using the titles as added pointers, building layers of imagination triggers for the viewer…Is that the gallery Instagrammer reflected in the TV screen?