What a year. From a pandemic that shot down the most daily functions of our year to the postponement of major events, a group show called Melancholympics seems like the most apt name possible. Curated by Sasha Bogojev for Gallery Sofie Van de Velde & PLUS-ONE Gallery's The Wunderwall project, Melancholympics is marking this historic moment by showcasing the works by international artists whose practice revolves around finding beauty in such, for most people, uneasy and confusing atmosphere. And in a year where not only the Tokyo Olympics have been put off and our collective desire to gather is on hiatus, the show's brilliant name is understood in any language. 

The show features Nat Meade, Nabeeha Mohamed, Sally Kindberg, Johnny Izatt-Lowry, Aly Helyer, Drew Englander, Csató József, Rachel Hayden, Akos Ezer, Matt Bollinger, Lily Wong, Beth Namenwirth, Sophie Varin and Judit Kristensen. The show is on view now through October 11, 2020, Léon Stynenstraat 21, Antwerp, Belgium.